I am a media scholar and feminist. I got my Ph.D. in media studies from the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas. I have worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) as an assistant professor before joining Penn State. My research investigates how media technologies, the state, consumerism, and gender dynamics are imbricated in the production of culture and the various forms of identities in a transnational setting, with a focus on broader Chinese societies. My recent book Fashioning China: Precarious Creativity of Women Designers in Shanzhai Culture (Pluto, 2020) focuses on the creativity and precarity of a group of women fashion designers, whose experience encapsulates the shifting cultural terrain in China. I also have various publications in highly regarded peer-reviewed journals, including Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Journal of Communication, Communication, Culture & Critique, and Chinese Journal of Communication. I am currently working on researching and writing about the feminist movement in China and activism against sexual harassment, sexism, and misogyny. I am interested in teaching various topics related to global communication, gender and media, and critical cultural theories.