ASIA 103
Introduction to Hinduism
Instructor: Jessica Birkenholtz
ASIA 197
From Royal Cuisine to Kimchi Taco: Culture and History of Korean Food
Instructor: Jooyeon Rhee
ASIA 424
Transnational Korean Literature
Instructor: Hyun Jung Kong
ASIA 457
Hiroshima & the Holocaust in History and Memory
Instructor: Ran Zwigenberg
ASIA 577
Critical Perspectives on Modern Chinese Literature
Instructor: Nicolai Volland
Gods to Godzilla: A Survey of Japanese Culture
Instructor: Jessamyn Abel
Special Topics: Easy Japanese Through Anime
Instructor: Haruko Iwami
KOR 197
From Royal Cuisine to Kimchi Taco: Culture and History of Korean Food
Instructor: Jooyeon Rhee
KOR 424
Transnational Korean Literature
Instructor: Hyun Jung Kong
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