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New Book Symposium for Jonathan Abel

A discussion of Jonathan Abel’s new book, The New Real: Media and Mimesis in Japan from Stereographs to Emoji (University of Minnesota Press, 2023). Featuring Akira Lippit (University of Southern California) in conversation with Jonathan Abel (PSU).

Asian Studies Speaker Series: Petrus Liu

The Department of Asian Studies presents Petrus Liu (Boston University), “The Specter of Materialism: Queer Theory and Marxism in the Age of the Beijing Consensus.” Lunch will be served during the talk.

SASSS Presents Tarini Bedi

The Department of Asian Studies as part of its South Asian Studies Speaker Series (SASSS) presents Tarini Bedi (University of Illinois Chicago), “Automobiles and Urban Topologies in Contemporary India: Whose Road is it anyway?”

New Book Symposium for Jessamyn Abel

A discussion of Jessamyn Abel’s new book, Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World’s First Bullet Train (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022).  Featuring Kerry Smith  (Brown University) in conversation with Jessamyn Abel (PSU).

The Korean Program’s Annual Cultural Event: Krazy about Korea

The Korean program is hosting the annual cultural event in collaboration with other student clubs on Wednesday, March 22nd, starting at 7:00 pm at Alumni Hall in the Hub. There will be Korean traditional dances, Kpop dance, Takwondo demonstrations and other fun activities. Korean snacks will also be available. 

2022 Huayu Best Seminar

You are invited to attend the first Huayu Best seminar, jointly hosted by the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the Penn State University (PSU), and get inspired by our distinguished speakers!

COOL Chinese Workshop

This workshop presents you with hands-on experience of the National Taiwan Normal University’s favorite and adaptive Chinese learning platform, which helps improve your Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills effectively!