Bee-yan Roberts

Dr. Roberts is a professor of Economics and Asian Studies. Her interests include development economics, international economics, and industrial organizations.
Recent Publications:
"A Model of Demand, Productivity and Foreign Location Decision among Taiwanese Firms," with Yi Lee, forthcoming, Journal of International Economics.
"R & D Investment, Exporting and Productivity Dynamics," Aw, Bee Yan, Mark J. Roberts and Daniel Xu. American Economic Review, June 2011.
“R&D Investments, Exporting and Productivity Evolution,” with Mark J. Roberts and Daniel Xu, forthcoming in American Economic Review.
“Product Choice and Market Competition: The Case of Multiproduct Electronic Plants in Taiwan,” with Yi Lee, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111 (2009), pp 711-740.
“R&D Investments, Exporting and the Evolution of Productivity,” with Mark J. Roberts and Daniel Xu, American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings (2008).
“Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choice for Taiwanese Multinationals,” with Yi Lee, Journal of International Economics, 75 (2008), pp 167-179.
“Export Market Participation, Investments in R&D and Worker-Training, and the Evolution of Firm Productivity,” with Mark J. Roberts and Tor Winston, World Economy (2007), pp 83-104.
“Productivity, Output, and Failure: A Comparison of Taiwanese and South Korean Manufacturers,” with Sukkyun Chung and Mark J. Roberts, Economic Journal, 113 (2003), pp. 485-510.
"Accumulating Technology and Location Spillovers in Taiwan's Electronics Industry," Journal of Development Studies, 2002.
"Productivity Dynamics of SMEs in Taiwan," Small Business Economics Journal, 2002.
"Firm-Level Evidence on Productivity Differentials and Turnover in Taiwanese Manufacturing" (with X. Chen and M.J. Roberts),Journal of Development Economics, 2001.
"Firm Heterogeneity and Export-Domestic Price Differentials: A Study on Taiwanese Electronics Products" (with G. Batra and M.J. Roberts), Journal of International Economics, June 2001.
"Productivity and Turnover Patterns in the Export Market: Firm-Level Evidence from Taiwan and South Korea" (with S. Chung and M.J. Roberts), World Bank Economic Review, 2000.
"Wages, Firm Size and Wage Inequality: How Much Do Exports Matter" (with G. Batra), in Innovation, Industry Evolution and Employment, edited by D. Audretsch and R. Thurik, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
"Firm Size and the Pattern of Diversification" (with G. Batra), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1998.
"Technology, Exports and Firm Efficiency in Taiwanese Manufacturing" (with G. Batra), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1998.
"Technological Capability and Firm Efficiency" (with G. Batra), World Bank Economic Review, 1998.
"Productivity and the Export Market" (with A. Hwang), Journal of Development Economics, 1995.