Luce Foundation Grant Supports Globally Engaged Humanities Project
Asian Studies Department to Lead Partnership with Nanjing University
In today’s global society, economic relations have typically overshadowed cultural communications in the collaborations between nations and communities across the globe. But the humanities are important because they bring forth critical voices in any intercultural dialogue.
With the support of a new grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, Penn State and Nanjing University will address this imbalance by launching a long-term partnership to forge lasting relationships between faculty and students in the humanities and to elevate U.S.-China dialogue for greater cultural understanding.
The Henry Luce Foundation recently awarded a three-year grant of $395,000 to Penn State to partner with Nanjing University on the Globally Engaged Humanities Project. The faculty and students at both universities will share their understandings of the goals and methodologies of the humanities and borrow strategies from each other on related teaching, scholarly work and professional issues. Among the planned activities are academic courses embedded with short-term study abroad at either university; learning exchanges of undergraduate students; graduate student and faculty teaching and research collaborations; international conferences; and translation of Chinese academic work from these conferences as a way to broaden access to Chinese-language humanities scholarship.