Two Korean Major students won the bronze medal at the first Mid-Atlantic Korean Speech Contest
Marisa Schlemmer, a sophomore student double majoring in Korean and International Politics, won the bronze prize at Level 1 and Isabella Packowski, a sophomore student double majoring in Korean and linguistics, won the bronze prize at Level 2 at the first Mid-Atlantic Korean Speech Contest that was held on April 2nd in 2022 via Zoom.
Marisa Schlemmer is majoring in international relations, Korean, and Chinese. She is very interested in learning about other cultures and how our cultural differences can affect politics and business. After graduating, she hopes to study abroad in South Korea and China and then go to law school. In the future she hopes to work within the UN or other international corporations.
Isabella Packowski is dual-majoring in Korean and Linguistics. Her academic interests include Korean sociolinguistics, phonology, intercultural communications, Korean history, cultural studies, and the study of the evolution of the Korean language. After graduation, she plans on teaching English abroad in South Korea while continuing her education in these fields. She hopes to land a position in the research field or as a liaison for the relations between America and South Korea in an intercultural studies or linguistics-based context.
Congratulations! We are very proud of your outstanding accomplishment!