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The Institute for Korean Studies: 3rd Korean Applied Linguistics Symposium

Beyond grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary:Cutting-edge perspectives, practices, paradigms, tools,scales, and theories in assessing Korean learners’performance and interactional competenceFriday, February 16, 2024 (6-8:45 pm EST) For more information, email Dr. Jayoung Song at jayoung.song@psu.edu. Zoom Link

Asian Studies lecture Series: Paul Barclay (Lafayette College)

The Musha Rebellion was a pivotal moment in the relationship between the indigenous people and the Japanese colonial government. In 1930, after years of oppression, the Seediq people of central Taiwan, led by Mona Rudao, attacked a gathering of Japanese people at a local school, slaughtering over one hundred men, women, and children. The Japanese […]

South Asian Speaker Series Presents: Mary Shenk

Mary Shenk (Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University) Demographic research on South Asia often finds that Muslims have higher fertility (family size) than Hindus, a relationship generally ascribed to either ideological or socioeconomic differences between these communities. Yet literature from the study of religion suggests that belief systems may be less important than religiosity, the […]

South Asian Speaker Series Presents: Coralynn Davis

Film Screening: Sama in the Forest Sama in the Forest delves into the subversive role women’s folktales can play in a patriarchal society. The film is set in Madhubani, a district in India’s state of Bihar, where a rich cultural identity extends from the mythical past into a globalized present. Maithil identity is passed on […]

South Asian Speaker Series Presents: Alaka Chudal

“We are bored of eating bread and coffee”: Unintended travel narratives of Indian soldiers in WWI Soldiers from South Asia —India (before Partition) and Nepal— fighting in the First World War for the British travelled to the battlefields of Europe during 1914 and 1915. A large number of them were captured and imprisoned in Germany […]

South Asian Speaker Series Presents: Sumathi Ramaswamy

#GandhiMustFall: The Dilemmas of Being Turned into Statue Using a material culture approach, I reflect on the overwhelming penchant for the creation of statues of Gandhi, the most among India’s political leaders to be so “honored” both at home and overseas, where many a statue has been installed as the official government gift. It is […]