Why should I participate in education abroad?
Education abroad, which includes study, internship, and service learning, can change your life. Penn State designs programs to give you experiences with other cultures and radically alter your sense of the world as a whole. It’s one of the best things you can do with your time in college.
All language majors are required to study abroad, but anyone can benefit from the experience. Many education abroad programs offer beginning language instruction, meaning that you don’t have to have studied a language before going.
Penn State Global holds Education Abroad 101 presentations on the University Park campus throughout the fall and spring semesters.
Where can I learn about education abroad?
Penn State Global has put together a comprehensive step-by-step guide that we recommend all students follow. Additionally, our Director of Undergraduate Studies has developed a Powerpoint presentation that outlines options for Penn State students majoring in an Asian Studies program who want to go abroad.
Is education abroad expensive?
Going abroad can be expensive, yes, but you should know that Penn State Global offers a long list of scholarships and forms of financial aid. On the web page for each of its programs, Education Abroad posts an estimated budget for each program, showing both costs to be billed directly to student accounts as well as total costs for living expenses.

Will my credits transfer?
Yes, as long as you are in a Penn State approved program, your credits should transfer. For information on how your credits will transfer, contact College of the Liberal Arts academic adviser Tom Spencer. For guidance on specific courses and on specific language majors, please check with your major adviser. Remember, language majors are required to study abroad, and to take at least 8 credits of language while doing so.
For information on the study abroad experience including deadlines, student impressions, details on overseas study centers, you can drop by the EA Resource Room, 410 Boucke, open Monday-Friday, no appointment necessary. The resource room is staffed by students who have returned from an education abroad program and will fill you in on how the experience worked for them, tell you about the application process, and give you tips on how to choose a program that will work for you.
What are some of the education abroad programs available?
Penn State has officially recognized education abroad programs in China, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. More information and details about the study abroad programs in Asia can be found through the Penn State Global program search tool. Below is a list of study abroad programs by languages.
- The PSU-NTNU Huayu Best Scholarship Program
- The CIEE Program: Studying, Intern, and Teaching abroad
- The CET Greater China Program: Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin, Kunming…and many other locations/programs to explore
- IUP Chinese Center at Tsinghua University
- The PiB Program
- Harvard Summer Program in Taipei
- UVa Study Abroad Program
- Ibaraki University; AY, spring; Exchange Program: International Exchange Program – Ibaraki University
- IES Nagoya, Nanzan University; AY, fall: Nagoya Direct Enrollment – Nanzan University | IES Abroad | Study Abroad
- IES Tokyo (Summer): Tokyo Summer | IES Abroad | Study Abroad
- IES Tokyo-Language and Culture; AY, fall, spring: Tokyo – Language & Culture | IES Abroad | Study Abroad
- Tohoku University; AY, Spring; students in the College of Engineering and the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences; Exchange Program: JYPE | Tohoku University
- Tohoku University; Summer; students majoring in science and engineering (STEM): TSSP | Tohoku University
- Penn State Study Abroad
- Critical Language Scholarship (CLS): Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program – Korean
- Council On International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Studying, Intern, and Teaching abroad: The CIEE Program
- IES Yonsei University: Direct Enrollment Yonsei University
- Study Abroad Programs in South Korea (various universities and programs listed): https://www.gooverseas.com/study-abroad/south-korea
- American India Foundation: Banyan Impact Fellowship
- American Institute of Indian Studies
- The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
- Boren Graduate Fellowships
- Boren Undergraduate Scholarships
- Critical Language Scholarship: No prior language study required
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
- Fulbright in India
- South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI)
- United States – India Educational Foundation (USIEF): Study Abroad Programs in India